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Monday, July 19, 2010

Faire Ferrill Lees, former Three Arts Club resident, tells of good old days

Faire Ferrill Lees writes:

In June of 1963 I moved to the Three Arts Club. There I met my two suite-mates (Glenda Graves -now Hillard, and Marilyn Flo Ashmore), who became my life-long friends.

I grew up just 4 blocks away, until my parents died in a fire in March of that year. My older siblings arranged through members of the TAC Board for me to be accepted as a resident.

The Three Arts Club staff and residents became surogate members of my family helping me through my transition. During the next two years, I developed a love for classical music thanks to Anne Shumate, Leona Lauritas, and Molly Davie, modern art thanks to Edie Enthoff-Davis, and theater thanks to Shelly Shulman.

I did not however ever develop a love for Miss Ethel's favored vegetable, Okra.

We were blessed with Miss Maier (sic) as the Director, who referred to our group as "the Jet Set," but was a good sounding board.

Dinners were served by some great male students at many of the Design schools, and each week 2-3 residents joined Miss Maier's table for dinner.

Tea on Sunday was held in the Tea Room between the Reception Room and the Dining Room often in conjunction with a recital by one or more residents.

While the TAC assured we practiced the gentle graces, we also partook of the local color on the "Street of Dreams" at Butch Maguire's, the Zoo, Catfish Row and Easy Street.

I do hope that a way can be found to restore the Three Arts Club for new generations of those pursuing a career in the Arts.